Do you want to be godfathered by an organic vine?
Follow your vine
Follow your vine aims to bring Bodegas Robles’ organic vineyard closer to the public. We assign you, exclusively, a vine from our organic vineyard. From then on and for a year, you will be able to enjoy its evolution and we will inform you about the different stages your vine goes through: pruning in winter, sprouting in spring, harvesting in summer and withering in autumn.
Information during one year about the stages of vines. This information will be provided in the instagram account @siguetucepa
50% discount on attendance at meetings “Follow your vine”: sprouting (spring), pruning (winter) or harvesting (summer). Cost for non-members: 10.00 euros/meeting.
Visit your vine. (Advance notice required).
Three bottles of the edition “Follow your vine” exclusive for members. [Transport costs not included]
Contact: Toni Laqué, (+34) 639 620 052,
III Wine Tourism Awards Spanish Wine Routes 2016
Follow your vine was awarded at the III Wine Tourism Awards Spanish Wine Routes 2016 as the best national project in the cateogry Commitment to Society and the Environment . These awards are given by the Spanish Association of Wine Cities (Acevin) in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. The jury was made up of representatives from the wine and tourism sectors, the Administration, the University, travel agencies, travel and gastronomic journalists, as well as wine tourism experts and consultants.
Todos los textos e imágenes de esta web están compartidos bajo licencia CC BY 3.0. Bodegas Robles. Todo nuestro esfuerzo ha sido en vino.
Ctra. Córdoba-Málaga, N-331, Km 47,5. Apartado de Correos, 55. CP: 14550 Montilla CÓRDOBA (ESPAÑA). + Google Map.Telf: +34 957 650 063, Fax: +34 957 653 140.
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Bodegas Robles S.L., ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, cuyo objetivo es promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad, gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Acción con el objetivo de mejorar la competitividad empresarial apoyada en la innovación de la pyme, durante el año 2024. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa Pyme Innova de la Cámara de Comercio de Córdoba.