
Bodegas Robles is committed to a new type of environmentally friendly packaging,
inspired by traditional commerce.


If truth be told, no one knew. However three decades ago, one went to the shop next door with a cloth bag, a basket wicker and an empty bottle to be filled with wine and one was clueless as regards the revolutionary, ecological and conscious gesture that this entailed. It was purely and simply normal. Which meant common sense. 30 years later, plastic bags, non-returnable packaging and large, impersonal shopping centres prevail.

Until now. The Cordovan company Bodegas Robles, which produces and distributes Montilla organic wine has opted for a radical shift as regards the marketing of its products, having a quality confirmed by chefs such as Arzak. In this fashion, returning to the classical system wherein the customer took his/her bottle to be filled. To that end, for this adventure, Robles has christened it in the easiest way possible: la Botella del Vino (the wine bottle).


labotelladelvino of Bodegas Robles labotelladelvino (the wine bottle) from Bodegas Robles presents the wine, for its preservation, in 5l/5l boxes,
together with a reusable 75 cl. bottle.

A tirar las botellas en un contenedor y partirlas lo llaman reciclar. Para mí reciclar es devolver la botella, que la laven y la vuelvan a llenar. Como hacemos cada nuevo día con nuestra vida.

Posted by Kiko Veneno on miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

labotelladelvino (the wine bottle) from Bodegas Robles presents our wine in optimum packaging for its preservation, storing the wine out of direct light or air (airtight). At the moment of being served, it is accompanied by a reusable glass bottle featuring a subtle and careful for design, with special attention to the inherent visibility of the wine.

According to a study carried out by CO2 Consulting for Bodegas Robles, every time that a botelladelvino (the wine bottle) is filled, the emission of 500g. of CO2 into the atmosphere is prevented.

Bodegas Robles undertakes a commitment to the ancient tradition of the refillable wine bottle.

Concept and design: Juan Bolaños Jurado/Miguel Galadí Cuadrado.
Illustrations: Miguel Galadí Cuadrado.


the shopping cart,
bread bag, labotelladelvino (the wine bottle)..


Piedra Luenga Verdejo, labotelladevino (the wine bottle).
Illustration: Miguel Galadí.

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Piedra Luenga Fino, labotelladevino (the wine bottle).
Illustration: Miguel Galadí.

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Piedra Luenga Oloroso, labotelladevino (the wine bottle).
Illustration: Miguel Galadí.

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Piedra Luenga Pedro Ximénez, labotelladevino (the wine bottle).
Illustration: Miguel Galadí.

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Piedra Luenga Tempranillo, labotelladevino (the wine bottle).
Illustration: Miguel Galadí.

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Todos los textos e imágenes de esta web están compartidos bajo licencia CC BY 3.0. Bodegas Robles. Todo nuestro esfuerzo ha sido en vino.

Ctra. Córdoba-Málaga, N-331, Km 47,5.  Apartado de Correos, 55.  CP: 14550 Montilla CÓRDOBA (ESPAÑA). + Google Map.
Telf: +34 957 650 063, Fax: +34 957 653 140.
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Bodegas Robles S.L., ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, cuyo objetivo es promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad, gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Acción con el objetivo de mejorar la competitividad empresarial apoyada en la innovación de la pyme, durante el año 2024. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa Pyme Innova de la Cámara de Comercio de Córdoba.

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